How to cheat women on dating sites

A girl on a laptop.The most popular social network of the modern world, VK, is a dating site for two. VK has more than 13 million registered users.  The site is not a private one, but this does not mean that the site is not available for free communication.  The question remains: how to cheat a girl on the site? Let's first analyse the site.In the app, you can search for girls of interest, and then write messages to them.  It is possible to create an account and register a new account.  It is possible to post messages to girls you like.  it is possible to post messages to girls you like.  It is possible to write messages to girls you like.  It is possible to write messages to girls you like. VK- real people, real messages.In the app, you can post messages to girls you like.  It is possible to create an account and register a new account.  It is possible to post messages to girls you like.  It is possible to write messages to girls you like. VK- real people, real messages.Here you can also post messages to girls you like.  It is possible to create an account and post messages to them.  It is possible to write messages to girls you like.  It is possible to write messages to girls you like. VK- real people, real messages.In the app, you can post messages to girls you like.  It is possible to post messages to girls you like.  It is possible to write messages to girls you like. VK- real people, real messages.In the app, you can post messages to girls you like.  It is possible to post messages to girls you like.  It is possible to write messages to girls you like. VK- real people, real messages.Here you can also post messages to girls you like.  It is possible to create an account and post messages to them. It is possible to write messages to girls you like. VK- real people, real messages.Here you can also post messages to girls you like.  It is possible to create an account and post messages to them.  It is possible to write messages to girls you like. VK- real people, real messages.In the app, you can post messages to girls you like.  It is possible to post messages to girls you like.  It is possible to post messages to girls you like. VK- real people, real messages.Here you can also post messages to girls you like.  It is possible to create an account and post messages to them.  It is possible to write messages to girls you like.  It is possible to write messages to girls you